Thy Kingdom Come
Dearly beloved,
This is our month of delivery, the ninth month of the year, it is our month of mustering strength for a good finish in this year 2012, I pray we will all finish strong in Jesus name.
The Kingdom of God means the REIGN of God. That God may reign everywhere, that his Laws be obeyed and the gospel of Jesus Christ advanced not only in our churches, but in our government, in our schools, in politics, in our societies and in our individual lives. Matthew 6 v 10, puts this aptly, “Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. When God’s kingdom is established or when God is reigning, then His will is what we seek to do in all spheres of our lives and society. Our concern should be God’s desire on earth? God’s desire is that none should perish but all should be saved – John 3 v 16.
When God’s kingdom comes, God reigns in our lives, we do His will, we spread His word, we live according to His word, and we live for Him and through Him. Indeed in Him we live and move and have our being.
When we start enforcing the kingdom of God in our individual lives, as we progress we will see the reign of God in our families, societies and government. Matthew 6 v 33 shows us the way to do this. The scripture says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”
There are four main factors to get right in seeking first the kingdom of God:
1. Priority – you must put God first in all you do.
- Talk to Him first in the day.
- Give Him the first of your income, first before you start spending i.e. tithes, first fruits.
- Seek His opinion first on issues and let Him direct you.
2. Essence – Make God the essence of your being. God does not just want to be eminent in your life or preferred. God wants to be PRE-EMINENT. Chose Him first and Him alone, in all you do. His ways, His instructions, His words, His presence must take pre-eminence in your life.
3. Central – God must be the center of your life. Yes, you may have a job or a business or a family but God is before all these. Never put your job before God, or allow your life to revolve around your job or business. Schedule your business meetings and travel times carefully so you do not spend Sunday mornings on the road or trying to catch up with a client, this is God’s time of worship. Even though your family is very important and you need to spend quality time with your family but God comes first. Never replace the time meant for God for family, rather take your family to God regularly. Do not go to picnics on Sunday morning when you are supposed to be in church and say you are bonding with your family.
4. Focus on Him- Make God the central theme of your life, business and family. Use your resources, your time, talent and gifting for God. Like Apostle Paul, spend and be spent for God.
When you seek God first in all you do, then all “these things” shall be added. These things are what you eat, wear, finances, fashion, power and fame.
According to Revelations 12 v 10 –11, “They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death”. When you are in God’s kingdom, you are an over comer, you are more than a conqueror because greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.” Start seeking God first from today and abundance shall be yours in Jesus’ name.
Pastor Busola Jegede
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