September 17, 2012


Passage: 2 Peter 1:2-4

Peace is not the absence of strife, conflict or disorder, but the tranquility we have even in the midst of a storm. For us to know and experience peace, it can only come from the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, through the infilling and indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Peace comes from assurance of who God is, from the experiential knowledge of the character of God and His inability to fail. Indeed we do not just know peace but we receive Grace when we know that God is a Healer, so the threat of infirmity will not scare us.

What is that issue in your life that is not giving you peace, you need to find out what the word of God is saying about it and find out if you are aligned to that word or not. The only way we can be partakers of the great and precious promises of God for us in our life, marriage, finances, in our jobs etc is when we are not corrupted by world, lusts and desires, and sinful lives.

When people dip their hands into sin e.g. if you a man/woman engage in adultery or any sinful act, the peace in his/her marriage will be destroyed. If someone starts living a corrupt life by being corrupt, falsifying figures, stealing from his office or wherever he/she is working, he/she is jeopardizing the peace he has in his life because sooner than later he will be caught and he will lose that job. If a young man/woman starts experimenting with drugs, alcohol before long the peaceful orderly life he/she is having will be shattered and chaos will reign.

God has given us the ability and all we need to live a life devoid of sin. Verse 3 says His divine power he has given us all things that pertain into life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue. So are you experiencing the peace of God in your life, marriage, finances, etc? if not begin to examine yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you missed it, where you did not act on the knowledge or the will of God. God has called us to glory and virtue and not to failure.

He says in John 14v27. I give to you, not as the world gives. Bring repentance right now. Come to Jesus right now and straighten your life. The ideas of the world can never give you peace.

Are you in crisis in your marriage, did you walk out of your marriage because you were frustrated? Every time you do not obey God you DISHONOUR him.

Pastor Busola Jegede

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